Modern automation systems for clinics and hospitals effectively solve the problem of self-appointment and receiving services for patients. The combination of a functional of administrative web application, mobile application, combined with a payment terminal stationed at the clinic, will further enhance the possibilities of system integrator for the users and visitors.
All-in-one solution will allow visitor of the clinic to sign up through the automated system on the site or via the mobile application and pay for services using the payment terminal at medical facility, bypassing the administration desk.
The visitor manually enters a minimum of data or simply brings QR code/barcode (on paper, at smartphone) to the terminal, which was issued by the information system when he made appointment via the Internet, pays for treatment, visits to a doctor and receives a package of medical services. Or he can independently choose the necessary doctors or treatments through the terminal, add all services to a payment cart, choose convenient payment acceptance format, receives a receipt and go to a doctor's office.
* The integrator can freely set its own price for Pay-Point cloud software and connect customers in accordance with its own pricing policy.
The self-service terminal is a simple, modern and reliable instrument for the automation of clinic or medical center. Device effectively substitute several employees, automate the administrative field, payment acceptance, collect reports and send data to the tax authorities.
The main clients of Soft-logic company are banks of Russia and CIS countries, large terminal networks and mobile operators. Accumulated experience and developed technologies allow to provide the owner of the terminal with a high-quality user interface and convenient back-office with comprehensive information on all processes.
The final solution consists of our technologies in the sphere of payment acceptance and your developments in the field of specialized software for the automation of clinics and medical centers. The combined product, which includes both directions, can find active demand among the customers.
* Our own software solution, additional information on request
The owners of the clinic can purchase terminal, install it at the necessary area, install Soft-logic company’s software, which includes payments acceptance, required interface and, possibly, any additional software functionality and begin accepting of payments for available services.
The cost of maintaining the terminal is relatively small, especially if the device is owned and located at the owner’s area. The software for receiving payments provided in a cloud format, allowing flexible charging, modifications and customization at the customer’s request.
Average operation period for new terminal is 5 years without the serious technical service. The employee only needs to change the paper for the thermal printer on time and collect cash from the terminal - open the door, get the money box, take banknotes and return the box into the terminal.
Such a wide level of automation of all-in-one solution (web, mobile application, terminal) will allow to provide a maximum of alternatives for customers, the spanning of the wider target group of consumers. Terminal can be also used as a stand alone device, without the use of web applications.
The installation of self-service terminals at the network of medical clinics will increase the comfort and convenience for visitors, will allow to harmoniously complement business processes, bring the medical centers to the modern technological level and increase the profitability.
Our company has extensive experience in working with various devices, allowing to organize a large number of scenarios to ensure a quality and multifunctional service.
Malahova St. 146V,
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